Japanese Organ Girl

Japanese Heavy Rock “Organ Girl” by momborian

8. Love and Keys

8. Love and Keys 3:54

%{artist} - %{title} [%{album}], (%{year}) (%{time})
Love and Keys
Seek to %{time1} of %{time2} (%{percent}%)

This is a normal list of HTML links to MP3 files, which jsAMP picks up and turns into a playlist.

淡い色 滲んで
溶けてく 雲遥か遠く

風響き まにまに
漂う 君憶う匂い

淡い色 滲んで
溶けてく 夢遥か向こう

終わらない 霞の
佳き日の 数多の星影

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based on PukiWiki 1.4.7 License is GPL. QHM

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